RST Baseball

Nobody Will Out Work Us!

RST Baseball

Nobody Will Out Work Us!

Pitching • Hitting • Fielding • Physical • Mental
Baseball • Physical • Mental

Pitching / Throwing Weekly Workouts

The weekly routine looks like alot, and it is, but it is broken down each day by design to get max, light, medium days in, and to promote recovery. It is also designed for high volume high reps to develop pitching stamina. 99% of the drills are out of the stretch. We need pitchers to feel comfortable out of the stretch with runners on and have the ability to manage runners, tempo, and the situation, as well as throw strikes out of the stretch with all their pitches (FB, Change, Cut, Curve, Slider). When you master this routine, then we start incorporating bull-pens. But you must master the basic fundamentals before you test it on the mound.
• LIGHT BICEP: light weight, low sets, and do not go to fatigue

Monday (Max It Out)

This is a max throws, max distance, max intensity, max rip day designed to build stamina, arm health, and velo. Come in fresh (no soreness and not tired) and ready to give 100%

• Dynamic Warmup
• Plyos for Legs
• Band, Mediball, Core Circuit (read below). Band Exercises
• Wall Drills & Plyo Balls#1 (read below)
• Throwing - Trunk Rotations
• Throwing - Single Leg Load out to Max Long Toss
• Throwing - Step & Throw out to Max Long Toss even farther
• Throwing - Step Back In Slowly
• Throwing - Double Hop Rips starting at 150ft down to 70ft, no more than 20
• Throwing - Change Up Drill 5 out 5 back (use double hop rip intenstiy to keep arm action going)
• Throwing - Cutter Drill 10 @ 60ft
• Throwing - 4 Rounds Flat Ground#1 (read below for Flat Ground description)
• Arm Care - Band

Since the next two days will be lighter throwing and intensity we should max the legs out on THIS DAY so we go into full recovery and have fresh legs for the next max day. This part of the stregnth program is designed with two components: (1) leg strength building up to leg plyo explosiveness, (2) alternating core between leg exercise and alternating core muscles.

Note: below is only an example.
• Legs - 4 sets of 5 squats
• Core - 2 sets of 20 situps
• Legs - 4 sets of 5 deadlifts
• Core - 2 sets of 20 russian twists
• Legs - 4 sets of 15 kettle bell swings (5 two hand, 10 alternative hands)
• Core - 2 sets of 20 hyperback extensions
• Legs - 2 sets of 10 jump lunge with a twist 10lb weight
• Core - 1 sets of 20 situps
• Legs - 2 sets of 10 squat jumps 10lb weight
• Core - 1 sets of 20 russian twists
• Legs - 2 sets of 10 split jump lunge 10lb weight each hand
• Core - 1 sets of 20 hyperback extensions
• Legs - 2 sets of 10 jump lunge continuous max explosiveness no weight

Recovery is extremely important to reduce inflammation and create space for oxygen and nutrients to flow into the inflammed area and start the healing process. The quicker we recover the more work we can put in the next 2 days. Nutrition and sleep are equally as important to the recovery process.

• Ice - Elbow in the bucket
• Ice - Front of the shoulder
• Ice - Back of the shoulder
• Ice - Rotator Cuff & Lat

Tuesday (Light)

This is a light throws, light distance, light intensity day designed to break through Monday's workout, break a sweat, keep our arm moving. Listen to your arm and body. Typically you should not go farther than 100 ft and keep it on an easy lob.

• Dynamic Warmup
• Plyos for Legs
• Band, Mediball, Core Circuit (read below). Band Exercises
NO Wall Drills or Plyo Balls !!!!
• Throwing - Step & Throw only, keep it light, listen to your body.
• Arm Care - Band

This day should be a cardio conditioning day to help us break through the lactic acid build up from Monday's max day. I would prefer biking and sprinting over long distance running. Biking engages more fast twitch muscle and long distance running promotes slow twitch muscle. But if you don't have access to a bike I am ok with running. We are explosive pitchers and not marathon runners, so we don't want to make ourselves slow by running long distance slowly. This part of the stregnth program is designed with two components: (1) build our breaking system which ultimate leads to velo, (2) alternating core between back exercise and alternating core muscles.

Note: below is only an example
• Back - 2 sets of 10 lat pull downs
• Core - 1 sets of 20 situps
• Back - 2 sets of 5 pull-ups
• Core - 1 sets of 20 russian twists
• Back - 2 sets of 10 horizontal lat pulls
• Core - 1 sets of 20 hyperback extensions
• Back - 2 sets of 10 single arm rows each arm
• Core - 1 sets of 20 situps
• Back - 2 sets of 10 sitted rotator cuff high
• Back - 2 sets of 10 sitted rotator cuff low
• Core - 1 sets of 20 russian twists
• Back - 2 sets of 10 biceps light-medium weight
• Core - 1 sets of 20 hyperback extensions
• Back - 2 sets of 10 single arm cable/band shot gun each arm

Recovery is extremely important to reduce inflammation and create space for oxygen and nutrients to flow into the inflammed area and start the healing process. The quicker we recover the more work we can put in the next 2 days. Nutrition and sleep are equally as important to the recovery process.

• Ice - Elbow in the bucket
• Ice - Front of the shoulder
• Ice - Back of the shoulder
• Ice - Rotator Cuff & Lat

Wednesday (Medium)

This is a medium throws, medium distance, medium intensity day designed to finish breaking through Monday's workout and ramp us up for the next max day. Listen to your arm and body, but we want to go about 75% on the number of throws, the distance, and the intensity

• Dynamic Warmup
• Plyos for Legs
• Band, Mediball, Core Circuit (read below). Band Exercises
• Wall Drills & Plyo Balls#2 (read below)
• Throwing - Trunk Rotations
• Throwing - Single Leg Load out to Med Long Toss
• Throwing - Step & Throw out to Med Long Toss
• Throwing - Step Back In Slowly
• Throwing - Change Up Drill 5 out 5 back (use double hop rip intenstiy to keep arm action going)
• Throwing - Cutter Up Drill 10 @ 60ft
• Pick Moves C, B, A, A+ (4 rounds)
• Arm Care - Band

This day should be a sprint work day to work on explosive fast twitch movement.

• Sprint - 4 sets of 20 yards
• Core - 1 sets of 20 situps
• Rest - 3-5 minute full recovery
• Sprint - 4 sets of 20 yards lay down facing forward
• Core - 1 sets of 20 russian twists
• Rest - 3-5 minute full recovery
• Sprint - 4 sets of 20 yards
• Rest - 3-5 minute full recovery
• Core - 1 sets of 20 hyperback extensions
• Sprint - 4 sets of 20 yards lay down facing forward
• Core - 1 sets of 20 situps
• Core - 1 sets of 20 russian twists
• Core - 1 sets of 20 hyperback extensions

Recovery is extremely important to reduce inflammation and create space for oxygen and nutrients to flow into the inflammed area and start the healing process. The quicker we recover the more work we can put in the next 2 days. Nutrition and sleep are equally as important to the recovery process.

• Ice - Elbow in the bucket
• Ice - Front of the shoulder
• Ice - Back of the shoulder
• Ice - Rotator Cuff & Lat

Thursday (Repeat Monday) but adding PFPs (read below)

Friday (Repeat Tuesday)

Saturday (Repeat Wednesday)

Sunday (Rest)



Band, Mediball, Core Circuit

This circuit is designed with the concept we warm-up to throw, we don't throw to warm-up. We are not just warming up but developing all aspects of the kinetic chain to take into the throwing portion of the workout.

. Band Exercises
• Band - Facing away from fence for front-side muscles
• Band - Facing fence low-to-high for back-side muscles
• Band - Single arm burn out (everything leads up to this)

• Mediball - 20 trunk rotations
• Mediball - 5 flat ground fully fired twist and throw
• Mediball - 5 slide step from deep in the chair
• Mediball - 5 jump lunge into slide step from deep in the chair
• Mediball - 5 full pitch put it all together
• Mediball - 2 sets of 20 wall pitches and move the ball around to find your best arm slot
• Mediball - 2 set 20 free throws to build hand and forearm strength and dexterity

• Core - 90 second planks 30 center, 30 left, 30 right
• Core - 10 press 20 russian twist
• Core - 10 twist on bench
• Core - 10 twist and flex on bench

Wall Drills & Plyo Balls

After the Band, Mediball, Core Circuit we are ready to transition into pitching/throwing mechanics.

• Wall Drill - First Move into the Wall
• Wall Drill - Flat Ground: setup, twist, fire, pitch with a glove tuck, triple extend, FB, cutter, curve, change, hyper-extend
• Wall Drill - repeat above 3 more times

• Plyo Balls#1 - 20 rotator cuff flicks
• Plyo Balls#1 - 20 rotator cuff holds
• Plyo Balls#1 - 20 pronation holds
• Plyo Balls#1 - 10 reverse throws
• Plyo Balls#1 - 10 pivot throws
• Plyo Balls#1 - 10 rocker throws
• Plyo Balls#1 - 10 figure-8 rocker throws
• Plyo Balls#1 - 10 step through pivot throws
• Plyo Balls#1 - 10 step and throws
• Plyo Balls#1 - 5 rounds overload then underload (speed up and force your CNS to trigger)

• Plyo Balls#2 - 20 rotator cuff flicks
• Plyo Balls#2 - 20 rotator cuff holds
• Plyo Balls#2 - 20 pronation holds
• Plyo Balls#2 - 12 reverse throws
• Plyo Balls#1 - 12 pivot throws
• Plyo Balls#1 - 12 rocker throws
• Plyo Balls#1 - 12 figure-8 rocker throws
• Plyo Balls#1 - 12 step through pivot throws
• Plyo Balls#2 - 12 step and throws
• Plyo Balls#1 - 6 rounds overload then underload (speed up and force your CNS to trigger)

Flat Ground

Flat Ground can have several variations depending on what we want to work on. But no matter what it is 10 pitches or less per round, then rest and reasses. We are building our mentality and approach based on 10 pitches/inning. Each round will have FOUR STATIONS:

1. short (35-40 ft) pitch, foot setup on the mound, throwing arm setup, front foot aligned to the outer black of the plate, and fire the short pitch.
2. slide step (40-50 ft) deep in the pocket, rock back, and unload it quickly.
3. jump lunge into a slide step (45-55 ft). We are jumping into an overloaded back leg.
4. full pitch OUT OF THE STRETCH (60 feet) with 4 pitches: FB away, FB in, cutter, change up. Each of the 4 are a must but you can change the sequence.

Flat Ground#1 Rounds are
round 1: 1-1-1-4
round 2: 1-1-2-4
round 3: 1-2-2-4
round 4: 2-2-2-4

Flat Ground#2 Rounds are
round 1: 2-2-2-4
round 2: 1-2-2-4
round 3: 1-1-2-4
round 4: 1-1-1-4


> 3 pitching stations: on the mound, left of the mound, right of the mound.
> 3 base positions: 1B, 2B, 3B
> 3 home base positions: fungo in the middle, catcher to the left, catcher to the right
> step 1: fungo hits light 1-2 hopper to pitcher in the middle and turns the DP at 2B, but infielder does not throw.
> step 2: pitchers on left and right slide step and pitch to catchers, catchers soft roll it toward the line so pitchers can field, pitchers work on foot work and throw to 1B and 3B
> step 3: each pitcher rotate through the 3 stations 4 times.
> step 4: pitchers become fielders and catchers, fielders and catchers become pitchers and repeat steps 1-3