RST Baseball

Nobody Will Out Work Us!

RST Baseball

Nobody Will Out Work Us!

Pitching • Hitting • Fielding • Physical • Mental
Baseball • Physical • Mental


Best Lefties in the last 30-40 years

Looking at all these hitters at contact, or slightly before, or slight after contact you will see all the same characteristics.

  • Trigger into power V on back leg (there is no straight leg).
  • Back elbow tucked up against the body (there is no hand extension at contact).
  • Stiff front leg with a slight lean back of the body creating an axis of rotation.
  • Rotating into contact (not throwing the hands, not throwing the knob, not extending into contact).
  • Working inside the baseball creating an angle or bat lag.
  • Back palm up and front palm down at contact (don't roll it over until after contact).
  • An indication of rotational mechanics is the front arm staying bent and "looking" like it is pulling around the body.

If you were to cut the pictures at the waist and remove the uniform colors and just compare the lower halves, you might say its the same 1-2 hitters instead of the 11-12, because the lower halves are almost identical.

If you do a little research on all the players on this list, righties and lefties, you will see they mostly used the entire field, though bonds, votto, and mcgwire might be a bit more pull, but they really look for the middle-in pitch.

Best Righties in the last 20-30 years

Looking at all these hitters at contact, or slightly before, or slight after contact you will see all the same characteristics.

The Posey picture might be the best one because the ball is just starting to make contact. Look at him work inside the ball, elbow tucked, hands really coming inside, front elbow still bent and pulling around the body, pure rotational mechanics.

Look at the green outlines of Pujols arms. Back one tucked and front one bent working it around the body, and working inside the baseball.

Trout may not be the best picture because he is well through the baseball and starting his extension, but we can see the elbow is still close to the body and he still has palm up palm down.

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